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Friday, September 03, 2010. This feels like a dastardly time to be dusting this blog space, but as someone. Wisely pointed out, not everyone is on Facebook.
Today I want to write something memorable, empowering, because this is exactly what happened to me in the past year while I kept the blog quiet. For a year I almost forgot what photography was and wrote exactly 7 posts. My husband and I created new life. Our baby DJ is now 4 months old and is the most amazing little boy. Until I realized that motherhood is in clear conflict with perfection.
Emotional Intelligence for the Spiritual Explorer. 8220;Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Remember, we are all Worthy .
Existe un miedo al vacío de no poder envolver tu atmósfera; esa que permite que las muchas horas que puedas estar creando, trabajando y mirando al techo sean por lo menos, inolvidables. Seguro que me lo agradecéis algún día. Film de los 70 y 80 .
V Premio de Fotografía Digital Santander Creativa. 1º Premio y Menciones Especiales.
La mayoría de la gente piensa que el diseño es una chapa, una simple decoración. Para mi, nada más importante en el futuro que el diseño. Artistas plásticos, diseñadores ó fotógrafos.
Aegis Technology Has Proudly Served the Following Communities For 10 Years. Being a local, independent company, Aegis Technology has only one allegiance - its customers. And being a small company, we know our customers by name, not an account number.
英国 Cow and Gate 1 号. 英国 Cow and Gate 1 号.
Aktives Eigenes Gesundes Immun System. Alles rund ums Thema Impfen! Es geht uns immer gleich. Erst dann, wenn ein Mensch gestorben ist,. Beginnen wir zu begreifen,. Und wir begreifen erst jetzt,. Was wir mit ihr verloren haben und. Was uns geschenkt worden war. Deshalb sollten Sie sich umfassend über Impfungen informieren. Wir wollen Sie über wirkliche Möglichkeiten der Vorbeugung informieren. Impfungen können Krankheiten nicht verhindern.
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